Lori says…


Relationship issues, financial issues, addictions, sexual abuse and other trauma; somehow we have convinced ourselves that these are unrelated. We seek assistance and guidance from people who hold themselves out to be ‘experts’ in the field, whether they be therapists, psychics, promoters of ancient rituals or others, and somehow we believe we can heal our wounds through external sources. They may help, but who creates the wounds of our souls if not ourselves through the reaction to our life experiences? And how can they be ‘healed’ if not from within? If not from within, how can our behaviours which manifest back into our life experiences not be a reflection of who we are, leading to these relationship, financial and other issues we attract into our lives?

People will often state “I know it is about me” and intellectually, they believe that. They are then readily able to point to their boss as being a jerk or their spouse for not doing what they want him or her to do. If it truly is about me, and who I am inside is reflected outwards into the universe and my relationships, then how can it be about them? For example, if I call you a ‘horse’, you may have no reaction to it because you have not associated being called a ‘horse’ as a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ thing. However, if I call you a ‘cow’ and you are overweight, you will be offended. Why? Because you are a cow! Instead of admitting this to yourself, you deny and defend it; we self-deceive. If it were not true, it would not bother you. So when others such as a boss or spouse behaves in a way that ‘triggers’ us, we only react if it is something that somehow reflects something in ourselves otherwise, why would be react? They ‘mirror’ us and to ‘protect’ ourselves from being hurt, we make it about them. Really, if they are only mirrors of our wounded souls, then are they not perfect just the way they are? How can we judge others when we are really only judging ourselves?

There are some people who offer a ‘theory’ of healing, and others who provide tools in an attempt to overcome or bypass our wounds, like to ‘think positive’ or change our thoughts and vibrate differently in the universe. These principles are helpful and may be learned, however they ignore one essential thing: you can put ice cream on top of a sundae made of crap, but it is still a crap sundae. In other words, if you do not heal the wounds within, you are only putting a bandage on the wounded soul.

So, where do we get guidance to heal our souls if we have mastered self-deception and refuse to look at the ‘uglies’ that we have allowed to mold us? I know that it cannot be had by merely reading a book because of our ability to see and explore only that which we are willing to acknowledge and often we either deny its existence or we don’t even know it’s there.

What if someone could read your energy and tell whether or not you were lying, even if you yourself were unaware of it as a result of your self-deception? He could see through your masks and coping mechanisms, and actually see your soul? There is such a person, who by guiding people to dig deep within themselves, has helped them to heal the wounds of their souls. His name is Vladimir. For two years he has guided me, as his student, on a journey towards inner peace, and he had been sharing this, his life purpose, with others for many years. Although I fought hard to hang onto the illusion of control in my life, through Vladimir’s love and ability to ‘see’, and knowing that I could not say or do anything to make him love me less, I have learned to ‘let go’ of things out of my control and allow ‘love’ back into my heart and my life, which has affected all aspects of my life.

I no longer ‘survive’ life, I live in the moment of it. I am no longer caught up in ‘doing’; I am a human ‘being’. I no longer self-medicate in addictions to suppress feelings; I revel in experiencing them. Knowing that everything is either a call for love or an act of love, I see things differently than I used to. I do not ignore the evidence before me so that I can believe what I want to believe allowing me to now see the bravest man as the one with the most fear. There are obviously too many ‘shifts’ in my world to list, I am just grateful to have attracted Vladimir into my life with his unique gift. I wish for you the same beautiful journey, should you choose it. I know that when the roots are healthier, the tree will grow straighter and taller. I used to say this work is not for the faint of heart however, as Vladimir points out, maybe it is just that: for the faint of heart.

