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Soul Wounds

Our Soul Wounds are wounds at the deepest level. We come into the world as pure love, and over time we get wounded by our well-meaning parents, who are simply passing on to us their unresolved issues.

The absolute number one, above all else, absolute, main disconnect from love, joy, peace, success etc. – is developing coping mechanisms resulting in coping with our soul wounds, rather than healing them. As long as we have these wounds, everything and everyone that shows up in our lives will mirror this for us. It’s a reminder for us that we get what we need, not what we want.  Period.

There is no magic pill or potion or quick fix.  The following WILL NOT heal our wounds, nor break our hearts open:

  • shape shifting, hiding under Jesus’ robe, quoting the Qur’an, spouting bible verses, chanting Hare Krishna at the bus depot, Wicca, crystals, being born again, white light, past life regression, hypnosis, denial, self-deception, addictions, going to Egypt or Machu Picchu, studying shamanism, taking hallucinogens, exorcism, channeling entities, removing aliens on board, forgiving them, justifying, minimizing, intellectualizing, speed grieving/no grieving, people pleasing, apologizing for being born.

While, of course miracles do happen, they rarely occur for us, unless we create them.


* Understanding and honoring the child we were, so that we can love the person we are now.  Honoring “our child’s” experiences and feelings.

* Knowing that there is Nothing to forgive since every interaction is either an act of love or a call for love.

* Understanding also that we can feel rage, sadness, etc.  regarding our parents, and know they, too, were simply acting from their wounds.

* Knowing that every time one of my buttons is pushed, it is my unhealed self expressing its woundedness.

* Tearing up your membership in the SKOWLED club (Secret Keeping, Omitting, Withholding, Lying, Embellishment, Denial).

The following is a list of some of the soul wounds expressed to me by my clients:

  • crushed,_ redundancy,_ self-loathing,_ unlovable,_ lost,_ otherness,_ shame,_ insignificant,_ victim,_ traumatized,_ hopelessness,_ desolation,_ lonely,_ impending doom,_ flawed,_ worthlessness,_ less than,_ emotionally incestuous,_ violence,_ fraud,_ false bravado,_ unworthiness,_ sinner,_ false self,_ invalidated,_ oh no!,_ what if?,_ average Joe,_ mediocre,_ loser,_ irresponsibility,_ grief,_ it’s never enough,_ I’m never enough,_ incomplete,_ broken,_ anxious,_ gloom and doom,_ disconnected,_ sexual shame,_ stupidity,_ dirty,_ unwanted,_ dirty little whore pig,_ separation,_ controlled,_ overpowered,_ narcissism,_ vulnerable,_ split off,_ judgment,_ trauma,_ delusions,_ inner critic,_ lazy,_ never give up,_ guilt,_ unimportant,_ pathetic,_ pitiful,_ clinging,_ never fail,_ control,_ desperate,_ family man,_ entitlement,_ isolation,_ attachment, bullied,_ sorry I was ever born,_ waste of time,_ disabled,_ excluded,_ perfectionist,_ neglected,_ something is wrong with me,_ I am a mistake,_ disappointment,_ shock,_ incest,_ misery,_ What’s the use,_ I will never amount to anything,_ reject,_ ugly,_ insanity,_ discardable,_ left out,_ destitute,_ burden,_ I am unknown,_ invisible,_ tormented, idiot,_ justifier,_ cast aside,_ self-deprecating,_ punching bag …

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