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What Is Soul Woundology ?

Imagine feeling overwhelming bouts of joy for no apparent reason! I have the gift to read people’s hidden feelings, and to see their soul wounds. I guide people through a journey of self-discovery, helping them identify and discard sabotaging behaviors, so they can live their lives in a state of peace and joy, empowering them to achieve their highest potential.

How we learned to love starts with this equation: If home equals love, and home was “X”, then love is “X”, till I decide to change it. Love must be important throughout our lifetimes, because the most common questions people ask on their deathbeds are: “Am I loved and did I love well?” not “What’s happening at the office?”

We develop soul wounds early in childhood. If I say, “I am unworthy” rather than “I feel unworthy right now”, then unworthiness is my soul wound. If “I am unlovable” vs. “I don’t feel loved right now” then everything and everyone that comes into my life will trigger that particular wound.

If I have an issue with anyone or anything, it is about me; knowing that every button pushed, is my unhealed self, and knowing that there is no magic pill or potion.

People often ask me: “If “The Secret” says change your mind, change your life, then why isn’t it working for me?”

I respond, “It’s because you still have your soul wound of insignificance, self-loathing, shame… and you have no choice but to attract from those soul wounds, until you heal them.”

We can heal these wounds through the Soul Woundology process which includes ‘acknowledging’, ‘accepting’ and ‘embracing’ all aspects of who we are. Acknowledgement is seeing the possibility that a certain trait exists in me: ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Acceptance is knowing that it actually is part of me [I really am arrogant!/brilliant!] yet I don’t necessarily like it. Embracing is not judging, not resisting and actually loving that trait. I then don’t get “stung” when insulted, and I don’t get a swollen head when complimented. I graciously accept either one.

I will guide you to tear up your membership in the SKOWLED Club (Secret Keeping, Omitting, Withholding, Lying, Embellishment, Denial) so you can take full responsibility and accountability for yourself and your situation. This means not blaming anyone or anything, including yourself, because blaming is not embracing – it’s judging. Through my understanding of this, you can be, say or do anything you want, without me judging you, and there is nothing you can say or do for me to love you less.

Originally published in “Vavasaur” May 2011.
